Making a shamanic drum
In the Summer of 2021 I was in a horse riding accident, catapulted into the ground head first, and broke my neck and back. It took 3 months to begin to physically heal, and quite a few more months to get back to full physical activity and to get over the PTSD. During that time I was unable to draw or paint (it’s surprising how much body movement is involved, just sitting or standing at an easel). I also found that I wasn’t feeling very connected to the type of artwork I had been producing before the accident.
I had been trying different media or subjects but feeling unsatisfied or bored with the results. In August 2023, through a chance conversation with a friend, I had the opportunity to make my own shamanic drum from scratch. Adam at Rosie & Red Art & Leather (No 2 Nutaberry Yard, East the Water, Bideford EX38 4EA) offered me to select a deer skin which he had prepared by hand. I chose a Fallow deer stag skin.
The First Drum
Before I began on my main drum I practiced by making a small 12″ drum, using a hand-steamed birch frame, goat skin with a buffalo rawhide lacing. This lacing technique was based on a Salish method, from the pacific-northwest of America / Canada. It worked quite well, and was crafted with positive intent. Used shamanically, I note “This drum is ALL about learning – learning from mistakes, disentangling, repairing, and healing wounds. It has a quite unique voice / voices; and for a little drum has very complex energies, which I won’t properly begin to comprehend until I start working with it. (Actually, as I get to know it more today, I am finding that it seems to be spiralling higher resonant energies down to the heart area. My very old 18″ drum tends to work on the lower and root chakras.)”
The Main Drum
Feeling confident about the crafting process, I began work on the main drum. I bought a 16″ hand-crafted oak hoop, prepared the work space in my shed, and spent time with the skin. I noted: “I am slowly meeting and learning the spirit and nature of this deer, and will make the drum when my energy and mind is focussed, and intent is clear and calm; when the lunar cycle is right, and when the housework is finished.”
After spending some time with the skin, the deer hide was cut and smudged with sage and herbs, and honoured, in the next stage of preparation. Skin and lacing was cut from the one hide. I noted: “The deer spirit is gentle and ‘happy’; it seems like it had a good life, which is all I want too; so it will be an honour and a privilege working with that energy and crafting this drum. The deer is currently in the garden eating invisible plants. (I’m not weird, honest guv)”

I made the drum in one session, focussed and respectful. I enjoyed the crafting processes, making a practical object – somehow slightly different to making a painting.
Now, just over a year later I can consider the drum’s purpose. It has been ‘birthed’ and incorporated into sacred ritual spaces. It has a deep resonance and variations in sound, and has accompanied me, made me dance, and has introduced me to associated spirit beings. The deer and oak are gentle yet fiery, empowering and earthy, thoughtful and heartfelt. For me it has deep resonant healing qualities. I am very glad to have made this. Each drum is unique.
Drum Family
My little drum family – the deer drum, the small drum, and my old 18″ ‘bodhran’ which I’ve had many years.